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At Harmony, each student comes first through a personalized award-winning curriculum to prepare our students to unlock his/her full potential for financial success and independence. Ensuring that our students are at school every day is vital to a student’s success. This site will provide campus staff with the necessary knowledge, tools, and resources to successfully ensure attendance accuracy.



Skyward Attendance Overview
​Recorded Unrecorded Teacher Attendance Skyward Video

How often should attendance letters be sent to truant students? Attendance letters should be generated in Skyward once a week. In order to generate a letter, a student must have 3+ unexcused absences within a 4-week period.
How can I administratively withdraw a student due to unexcused absence? The campus principal must receive approval from the District office by providing documentation showing that the consecutive absence procedure was followed. Check here the Administrative withdrawal process,
What code should teachers input for present students during the funding period? Teachers will utilize the “3rd Period” column to code students as present for funding period (see Graphic)
Have any more questions? Please submit a Help Desk ticket here by selecting the "Attendance"

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