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Savvas (Known before as Pearson K-12) provides automated roster synchronization capabilities for school districts. Having student information in one central location gives time back to teachers so they can spend more time teaching instead of managing rosters. Automated roster synchronization sends student information directly to their Savvas learning platforms so that students, and teachers, have the most up-to-date information upon accessing their content. Harmony uses Savvas EasyBridge for High School Courses such as Algebra and Geometry

Savvas EasyBridge

Math Formulas

Click on the icon below to get access to Parameters & Credentials (A sign in is required to get access to this secure information)


If  a teacher has problems with Savvas, before submitting a ticket, make sure the following 5 items: 

1.   The teacher has a Geometry and/or, Algebra, schedule in Skyward

2.   The teacher has assigned students to his/her schedule. Also, a Staff number in Skyward.

3.   All Students have the TSDS unique ID in Skyward. If not, contact your Registrar.

4.   Teachers and students are login-in through the new portal and then click on the Pearson icon as shown below

Savvas Access.jpg
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