Recurring Tasks

Who can use Monday.com? Operations Department users in Districts and Campuses.
Why should I use Monday.com? monday.com is the most versatile project management software you’ll find on the market. You can use the platform to manage all of your projects and tasks.
What does Monday.com integrate with? monday.com allows you to integrate all of your favorite tools seamlessly. You can aggregate data from multiple apps into monday.com, and centralize all your team’s work in one place. Some notable integrations include Slack, Google Suite, Zoom, Salesforce, Microsoft Teams, Excel, and many more.
Read more about integrations -
Does monday.com support subtasks? monday.com supports subtasks by breaking down items created within monday.com boards into smaller items. Users can create multiple sub-items, organized by different verticals, all while housed under a single item. You will be able to assign sub-item owners, deadlines, due dates, and more, so everyone knows exactly how they can contribute to their team’s goals. Read more about subtask
Can I import an Excel document into monday.com?? You can transform all of the data from your Excel spreadsheet into a monday.com board! When importing your Excel data into your monday.com board, first click your profile picture and select "import data." Read more about Excel exporting and importing