HMH Apps
The Holt McDougal Online Framework, or HMOF, is a comprehensive education platform specializing in the delivery of grade 6-12 content, allowing teachers and students to access digital materials associated with one or more HMH programs within the elementary and middle school grade levels.

Into Reading is for K-5
Into Literature is for 6-12
Teacher Support:
Admin Support:

Go Math K-6th
Teacher Support:
Dashboard Video Tutorials:

Teacher Support:
Admin Support:
Click on the icon below to get access to Parameters & Credentials (Sign in required to get access to this secure information)
District Coverage?: ThinkCentral (GoMath) for Elementary, Holt for 6th-8th Math, Science, Chemistry, Biology, French, Physics, World, and US
History, ED: Into Reading is for K-5, Into Literature is for 6-12th. -
Required Install software? No. It is an online resource for students.
How to Troubleshoot HMH accounts at the Campus & District Level? Watch this webinar
Are ThinkCentral, Holt & ED integrated with Single Sign-On? Yes. All students and teachers should log in through My Harmony Portal. Then, click on either the Thinkcentral/HMH/Ed icon within the Educational Apps folder.
Is there a Skyward Integration? Yes. All HMH products are synchronized with Skyward. Only Teachers with schedules in Skyward have access to HMH products.
Adding students manually?: Teachers do not need to add or delete students. Make sure they are in the School database.
I do not see my products. You need to activate them. Check the left pane resources on how to activate the products.
Login Website stocked in one specific District that is not Harmony? Please delete cache browser cookies. Click here for the Chrome browser.
If a teacher/student has problems with HMH apps, before reporting the problem or creating a help desk ticket, make sure the following items:
1. The teacher has a schedule in Skyward and has assigned sections and students to the schedule.
2. Teachers and students must have a Skyward ID. If not, contact your Registrar.
3. Teachers and students must have Harmony's email address marked as School
4. Teachers login through the new portal https://my.harmonytx.org
5. Admins/Coaches must log in with the campus admin Credentials, using the website My.hrw.com, not through My Harmony Portal.
Need more help with the product? Contact the Support team at 1 (800) 323-9239 or click here
Have any more Questions about getting access? Please create a Help Desk ticket here choosing the HMH category.