Lexia is a structured literacy expert. Through a singular focus on literacy and a full spectrum of solutions to support it, Lexia helps more learners read, write, and speak with confidence. Harmony uses Lexia products for grades 3rd-12th. We use Core5 and PowerUp products.
Lexia Core5 Overview tour
Lexia PowerUp Overview tour

​Powerup Reports:
PowerUp US Annual Report
PowerUp class reports
How to Export School or District Reports
Core5 Reports:
How to print reports for Core5 students
Impact of the Lexia® Core5® Reading Program on Students with Reading Difficulties
Impact of the Lexia® Core5® Reading Program on Students with Reading and Language-Based Disabilities

District Coverage? Powerup is a literacy acceleration for those who are at risk of not meeting College- and Career-Ready Standards for grades 6-12. Core5 provides support for students in 3rd through grade 5.
Does it need any software installed on computers? No. It is web-based.
How to access MyLexia? Log in through My Harmony Portal. You will find the icon in the Educational Apps folder.
I do not see the Lexia icon for my new student in My Harmony Portal. How to fix this issue? Please make sure the Skyward person at the campus marks the student with EB in the Special Programs section. Once the student is marked, the next business day the Lexia icon will be accessible.
If you have any type of specific error within the app with students, please contact the Lexia Support team at 1-800-507-2772
Have any more Questions? Please create a Help Desk ticket here choosing the Lexia category.